Why Free Trade?

Free Trade

For Us

Beginning in 2018, the Consumer Choice Center started a global campaign aimed at educating consumers, entrepreneurs, activists, and voters on the vital need to support free trade.

Free Trade For Us is a single-issue campaign produced by the Consumer Choice Center and supported by partners to raise awareness about the positive impact of free trade and to show policymakers all over the world that the millennial generation is united against tariffs, trade barriers, and retaliatory measures that only hurt consumers and workers.

Activities the Consumer Choice Center organizes on this topic include:

About Consumer Choice Center

Consumer choice is pivotal for economic freedom and lifestyle decisions. Regulators on local, national, and supranational levels keep regulating more and more areas of consumers’ lives. This leads to less consumer choice and usually higher costs.

Whether protectionism in the airline industry prevents more efficient airlines to sell cheaper tickets to passengers, excessive taxation of consumption serve as letters of indulgence, or branding bans destroy the brand value of companies. Consumers don’t benefit but suffer from such regulation.

In some cases, paternalistic regulations cause even harm. Examples can be seen in more driving under influence cases in cities after banning ride-sharing services such as Uber or smokers being unable to switch to less harmful ways of consuming nicotine such as vaporizers. Branding bans lead to a higher accidental consumption of counterfeit products that can be of lethal consequence for the consumer.

The CCC empowers consumers to raise their voice in media, the Internet, and on the streets and facilitates activism towards a more empowered consumer. Learning from the successes of its parent organization, Students For Liberty, the CCC will bring the struggle for consumer freedom to the next level.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We monitor closely regulatory trends in Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice.