Category: European Union



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The real price of a new EU-US trade war

Last month, trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström told European trade ministers that if President Trump hits the EU with 25 per cent tariffs on cars, Brussels is prepared to hit back with tariffs on some $20 billion worth of American exports. Trade...

Збільшення “курячих” квот дозволить європейцям харчуватися дешевше

КИЇВ. 19 березня. УНН. Незабаром Україна отримає шанс збільшити експорт курятини в Європу. Це станеться, якщо Європарламент схвалить домовленість сторін про зміну угоди про зону вільної торгівлі. Від позитивного рішення ЄП виграє європейський споживач, який отримає великий вибір продукту за низькою...

Young people choose free trade – and the government should too

As the Brexit no-deal vote and the deadline itself approach, expectations of the UK seizing this opportunity and reclaiming its trading heritage are heating up. What will a post-Brexit UK choose: being a global advocate of free trade or a protectionist ex-EU...

Trade body counters calls for import tariff cut

A spokeswoman for the Consumer Choice Center said: “Imposing any tariffs on food will not only put another burden on British consumers and increase the costs of Brexit, but will also send a signal to the rest of the world that...

What will Brexit mean for British consumers?

The UK’s decision to leave the European Union in 2016 has arguably triggered one of the most laborious and frustrating times to be alive in Western European history. It has since hijacked all political debate and media headlines, which in...

Higher tariffs, subsidies promised

The prospect of tariffs drew stinging criticism from consumer group Consumer Choice Centre. “Imposing tariffs on meat imports will not only put another burden on British consumers but will also increase the costs of Brexit and send a signal to...

European Union and United States should agree on no tariffs on either food or cars

Trade representatives of the European Union and the United States are meeting today to discuss the scope of EU-US trade talks. The United States argues for an opening of trade relations on food, while the European Union wants to avoid...

Proposed tariffs on meat ignore the interests of consumers

Responding to the UK government’s draft plan to apply tariffs on meat in case of a no-deal Brexit, the Consumer Choice Center reiterated that unilateral tariff liberalisation on agricultural products is vital for making consumers better off. The UK’s potential...

Proposed tariffs on meat could put burden on British consumers, lobby group argues

Lobby group Consumer Choice Center (CCC) has warned the UK Government that applying tariffs on meat in case of a no-deal Brexit will increase the costs of Brexit and put another burden on British consumers. Instead, it argued that unilateral...

Consumers slam government plans for tariffs on food imports

FARMERS WEEKLY: This has drawn stinging criticism from consumer group Consumer Choice Centre. “Imposing tariffs on meat imports will not only put another burden on British consumers, but will also increase the costs of Brexit and send a signal to...

Brexit tariff warning issued to UK Government

Tariffs on meat imports would put “another burden” on British consumers Ahead of Britain’s impending exit from the EU, lobby group Consumer Choice Center (CCC) said that unilateral tariff liberalisation on agricultural products was vital for making consumers better off...

Irish farmers voice fears over Brexit tariffs

The pro-free trade Consumer Choice Centre said tariffs would “put another burden on British consumers” and increase the costs of Brexit. ‘Protectionism’ It would send a signal to the rest of the world that post-Brexit Britain would pursue protectionism ahead...